Consequences of Separation/Divorce for Children
Brian M. D’Onofrio, PhD
Indiana University, USA
June 2011
How Parents Can Help Children Cope With Separation/Divorce
JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Consultant and Child Specialist, Founder, Children of Divorce Intervention Program, USA
November 2020, Rev. ed.
Parenting Plans following Separation/Divorce: Developmental Considerations
Marsha Kline Pruett, MSL, PhD, ABPP & Natalie Najman
Smith College School for Social Work, USA
November 2020, Rev. ed.
Interventions to Help Parents and Children Through Separation and Divorce
1C. Aubrey Rhodes, MA, 2Karey O’Hara, PhD, 1Clorinda E. Vélez, PhD, 1Sharlene A. Wolchik, PhD
1Arizona State University, USA, 2Quinnipiac University, USA
February 2021, Rev. ed.
Jennifer E. McIntosh, PhD, Anna T. Booth, PhD
The Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University, Australia
February 2021, Rev. ed.
Development and Services
Divorce and Separation: Commentary on Kline Pruett and McIntosh
Laura Backen Jones, PhD
Oregon Research Institute, USA
November 2011
Divorce and Separation: Comments on D’Onofrio, Vélez, Wolchik and Sandler, and Pedro-Carroll
Katherine M. Kitzmann, PhD, C. Matthew Stapleton, MS
University of Memphis, USA
November 2011