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Anxiety and depression
Mental health problems in young children can have important implications for their development. It is important to understand the causes, symptoms, effects and best intervention practices to recognize...
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The Origin of Peer Relationship Difficulties in Early Childhood and their role in Children’s Psychosocial Adjustment and Development
Introduction Peer relationships are thought to play an important role in children’s development.1–3 They offer unique opportunities for getting acquainted with the social norms and processes...
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The Role of Physiological Response in Understanding Resilience Processes in Children’s Development
Introduction Stress and adversity affect children in different ways. Some children develop behavioral or emotional challenges when exposed to difficult environments, while others overcome...
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Epidemiological Surveys of Autism Spectrum Disorders
IntroductionSince the first epidemiological survey of autism performed in 1966 in the UK1, many epidemiological surveys of autism have been conducted worldwide in order to estimate the prevalence of...
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Resilience in Development: The Importance of Early Childhood
IntroductionThe concept of resilience, originally from the Latin resilire (to rebound, recoil, or spring back), is now widely utilized in multiple fields of study to refer to the capacity of a system...