Long-Term Effects of Prenatal and Early Postnatal Nutrition on Adult Psychosocial Outcomes
Lambert H. Lumey, MD, MPH, PhD, Ezra S. Susser, MD, DrPH
Columbia University, USA
May 2003
Nutrition and Its Impact on Psychosocial Child Development: Preterm Infants
Sheila M. Innis, PhD
University of British Columbia, Canada
May 2003
Nutrition and Its Impact on Psychosocial Child Development: Perspective on Preterm Infants
Naomi H. Fink, MSc, PhD, Stephanie A. Atkinson, PhD, DSc (Hon), FCAHS
McMaster University, Canada
April 2017, Rev. ed.
Lise Dubois, RDt, PhD
University of Ottawa, Canada
April 2004
Effective Nutritional Practices and Policies for Childbearing and Childrearing Women
Elizabeth Reifsnider, PhD
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA
January 2006, Rev. ed.
Program and Services to Improve the Nutrition of Pregnant Women, Infants and Young Children
Barbara L. Devaney, PhD
Mathematica Policy Research Inc., USA
June 2003
Helping Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits
Maureen M. Black, PhD, Kristen M. Hurley, PhD
University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
September 2013, 2nd rev. ed.
Nutritional Programs and Policies for Women and Children Commenting: Black, Reifsnider, and Devaney
Laura E. Caulfield, PhD
Center for Human Nutrition, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
September 2003
Kathryn G. Dewey, PhD
University of California, Davis, USA
September 2003