Recognition and Assessment of Anxiety & Depression in Early Childhood
1Nicholas D. Mian, PhD, 1Megan McKinnon, 2Alice S. Carter, PhD
1University of New Hampshire, Department of Life Sciences, USA, 2University of Massachusetts Boston, Department of Psychology, USA
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Young Children
1Lisa J.G. Krijnen, PhD Student, 2,3Justin Kenardy, PhD, 4Alexandra De Young, PhD
1Child and Adolescent Studies, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 3Jamieson Trauma Institute, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston, QLD, Australia, 4Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Children’s Health Queensland, Hospital Health Service, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Parent-Child Relationships in Early Childhood and Development of Anxiety & Depression
Gemma Sicouri, PhD, Jennifer L. Hudson, PhD
Black Dog Institute & School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Australia
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Temperament in Early Childhood and the Development of Anxiety and Depression
Nathan A. Fox, PhD, Tahl I. Frenkel, MA
University of Maryland, USA
March 2013
Young Children's Peer Relations: Links with Early Developing Anxiety and Depression
1Robert J. Coplan, PhD, 2Laura L. Ooi, PhD
1Department of Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Treatment of Clinical Anxiety and Depression in Early Childhood
Sam Cartwright-Hatton, D.Phil; Clin.Psy.D.
School of Psychology, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
March 2013
Early Intervention and Prevention of Anxiety and Depression
Jordana K. Bayer, PhD, Ruth Beatson, PhD
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Australia
March 2013