Numerical Knowledge in Early Childhood
Catherine Sophian, PhD
University of Hawaii, USA
June 2009
Early Predictors of Mathematics Achievement and Mathematics Learning Difficulties
1Nancy C. Jordan, PhD, 2Brianna L. Devlin, PhD
1University of Delaware, USA, 2University of Oregon, USA
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Early Numeracy: The Transition from Infancy to Early Childhood
Kelly S. Mix, PhD
University of Maryland, USA
December 2023, Rev. ed.
Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics – Sequences of Acquisition and Teaching
Douglas H. Clements, PhD, Julie Sarama, PhD
Marsico Institute for Early Learning, College of Education, University of Denver, USA
August 2023, Rev. ed.
Fostering Early Numeracy in Preschool and Kindergarten
Arthur J. Baroody, PhD
College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
April 2024, Rev. ed.
Mathematics Instruction for Preschoolers
Jody L. Sherman-LeVos, PhD
University of California, Berkeley, USA
July 2010